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August 23, 2023

Innovative Storage Solutions for Aqua Adventure Park Using Shipping Containers

Century Container Services, a leading provider of shipping containers in Hull, East Yorkshire, recently partnered with Southlake Water Park to provide innovative and robust storage solutions and customer changing facilities. This partnership resulted in a unique use of shipping containers, emphasising their versatility beyond traditional shipping and transportation needs.

Innovative Storage Solutions for Aqua Adventure Park Using Shipping Containers


Southlake Water Park, a popular water park in Cambridgeshire, was expanding rapidly. With new water rides, attractions, and facilities, the park faced a challenge in storing its vast equipment, maintenance tools, inflatables, and other materials crucial for its operations. The park's management sought a storage solution that was not only efficient and secure but also eco-friendly and aesthetically pleasing.


Century Container Services proposed using five 45ft High Cube used shipping containers, converted into storage units and customer-changing facilities including changing rooms, toilet facilities, storage for water sports equipment and a briefing room. All the units are painted to suit the local environment and then delivered and installed into position.

Here's how the collaboration benefitted Southlake Water Park:

Durability and Security: The shipping containers are built to withstand harsh marine environments, making them robust enough to protect the park's equipment from weather elements, theft or vandalism.

Space Efficiency: The minimal design and compact footprint of a shipping container combined with its structural strength meant that each container used minimal space in the park however, offered maximum use of internal space and square footage of each container, leading to an organised storage area.

Eco-friendly: Re-purposing shipping containers reduces the businesses carbon footprint and contributes to the circular economy, offering huge benefits compared to the cost, time and environmental impact associated with building traditional storage units and buildings.

Customisation: The containers were painted in colours to match the park's theme and blend with the surroundings. Containers were modified storage units and customer-changing facilities including changing rooms, toilet facilities, storage for water sports equipment and a briefing room.

Cost-Effective: By using shipping containers, the park saved considerably compared to building traditional brick-and-mortar storage buildings or renting external storage spaces.


Southlake Water Park quickly and successfully set up its new storage units within a short time span, ensuring minimal interruption to its operations. The park's management and staff found it easier to access, manage, and maintain their equipment. Additionally, the containers became a point of interest for visitors, adding to the park's charm.

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This partnership between Century Container Services and Southlake Water Park underscores the versatility of shipping containers. As businesses continually seek sustainable and innovative solutions, shipping containers prove to be a valuable asset beyond their conventional use.