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July 1, 2024

Box Bar Mobile Shipping Container Bar and Event Space

We teamed up with Sheffield based Hospitality and Events company BOX BAR U.K. to create a bespoke shipping container bar from a 20ft used Shipping container.

Box Bar Mobile Shipping Container Bar and Event Space


  • Bespoke Design & Storage ChallengesThe team at BOXBAR wanted to create an 'all in carry' container. In which they would have the ability to pack and store not only their stock, but everything else for the smooth operation of a bar at a multi day event. They also wanted to be able to setup and operate the bar with minimal labor, so ease of use was also essential
  • Approach-ability & RetentionAfter the design team viewed existing shipping container bars, They were left feeling that many bars were not very approachable for customers and gave no thought the retention of customers once they had purchased from the bar. Single sales were important but return custom and the creation of space for customers to exist was important. Our team put together ideas on how this could be achieved to maximize space and maximize sales for the bar.
  • Look, Feel and SettingBOXBAR wanted to lean into the industrial shipping container style and take on the industrial feel of the container. However they did not want it be 'rustic' in its appearance as the container bar was going to be used in various settings, some of which would be contrasting against a rustic style. The team at Century Containers worked along side Sheffield based design and branding specialist Lyon & Lyon to achieve this goal.
  • Value and LongevityCreating value for money and longevity of product and design was instrumental to get this over the line. The team wanted a product that would last the rigors of the outdoor environment, with heavy use and lots of transportation. Robustness was key and Shipping container modified capable of committing to this endeavor was essential.


  • We created a a design with a difference; removing one panel side and placing it on hinges. Allowing it to be fully dropped down. On this new platform we created a decking area. This helped to invite customers toward the bar as well as giving that space needed for retention. A destination space at events that can create focus. Extra seating or high tables could be used. Safety measures were created to negate any potential trip hazards around the step up.
  • The container side was lowered via a simplistic winch system powered by internally stored caravan batteries. Creating a simple system that was safe and remotely controlled. Due to various design features BOXBAR could be setup by 1 member of staff in under an hour, saving huge amounts on labor and time against traditional event bars.
  • Innovative and easy use storage solutions were key to creating BOXBAR. The ability to carry everything necessary and needed was priority for the team as they wanted minimal staffing when setting up. Firstly, we made allowance for 2-3 full pallets stored within the center console of the container. So the team could take all of their stock and equipment without the need to use extra vehicles. Cask and Keg storage under service stations was created as well as cages for gas tanks. Fridges were secured in place with easily accessible plugs for quick removals.
  • Branding was always a strong point and the ability to for our team to work comfortably along side 3rd party design teams made the process smooth and positive. The industrial feel was created firstly with the design of the bar top, made form a single piece of railway timber, lacquered and bolted into place. The retention of container paneling for the frontage and various finishing such as caged bulbs and latticed mesh.


The BOXBAR // Century Containers partnership created an easy to use, fully functioning, robust and unique mobile bar system. Eye-catching and interesting to the customer, as well safe, secure and usable for the staff. The team at BOXBAR ultimately signed to events with big clients such as Diageo, various city councils and festival organisers, as well as string of unique and private events. The ease of set up and use also then allowed them to hire out the unit for 'dry hire' as a shipping container bar. Allowing other 3rd parties to hire the container. Throughout the local Yorkshire region and beyond into Lancashire and the south.

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An experience for all members of the staff at Century Comtainers. The manufacturing team as well as the office staff were able to personally enjoy the fruits of their labor as they attended local events were BOXBAR's Shipping Container bar was on show and serving. Though we had worked on projects of this scale, the uniqueness and styling of the bar gave us challenges and opened up new avenues of work that we had yet experienced. Working alongside other industries to create the modified container set the team up for other future projects were communication and team work was key.

The team at Century Containers would like to thank the BOXBAR team for choosing us to create the vision that they set out with.

If you have a similar project in mind and would like to talk to the team, get in touch via our inquiry form or contact us via the details on our website: Century Containers